Tuesday 24 November 2009

24/11/09 - Studio test

Today i have a session booked in the film studio (1.30pm till 5.30pm.) I will be using this time to conduct some research and tests into the equipment i will be using in the final shoot in january 2010. I will also do a rough shoot of my green screen shots that i have planned, these will be basic and the actors are not the final ones and there will be no coustumes, this test is purely technical to test out camera movements, lighting conditions, and tracking points.

I Will also use this time to experiment with different lights and create different moods. As my effects sequence is set just after a thunderstorm i will have to create a dark moody atmosphere and maybe use some stobe lights for lightning flashes. I will also have to test some lights gels so try and recreate a fire flickering effect.

As you can see theres lots of things i will need to test during this afternoon but is extremely important to do it prior to your final shoot.

Here is a more detailed list of todays plan.

- Take details of camera using, lens, sensors, format, aspect ratio.
- Camera Jimmy jib setup and movement test.
- Studio measurements. How much Cable needed for winch man?

- FYP Shot 3 test - Lighting
- Acting movement
- Tracking points or not
- Fan Test

- FYP Shot 5 test - Jimmy Jib Movement
- Tracking Points
- Actor Position
- How to set up cable
- Lighting set up

- Lighting tests - create different lighting moods
- Fire effect flicker
- Lightning Flash

I also have some test work for another module that i will be conducting after the FYP test shoot. This will take up about 1 hour of the studio time

- AVE shot 1 test - steady cam set-up
- Test run of actor movement
- Lighting set up

- AVE shot 2 test - Is roughtly the same shot as the FYP shot 5.

- AVE shot 3 test - Actor run through
- Lighting test.

This is going to be very tight to fit this all into one test shoot however because most of the lighting conditions will be the same especially for the FYP shots then i begin to run low on time i will have to drop some of the light tests this isnt a problem because i can make not of the light setups and take pictures for referance.

I will post and update on how the test goes along with some footage and photos.

Monday 23 November 2009

Research: Seaking Helicopter

The helicopter I have chosen to use for this project is a RAF seaking. This are used by the search and rescue teams in the United Kingdom. There are 3 different types used each with its different colour scheme and role.

The main version used is the RAF seaking and is used inland and in mountain regions.

The Navy also have there own version which are mainly used at sea rescues or coastal areas.

Then finally there is a version used by the coast guard. These are mostley used for rescues situated around the coastal areas of the UK.

Rsearch: RAF Seaking Helicopter


The sequence will begin with an opening shot of a damaged building which was been struck by lightning. The atmosphere is very stormy and flashes of lightning can be seen in the background. The building that has been struck by lightning will have a huge hole in the middle section and will be smouldering. The building will be crumbling from around the hole with debris falling to the ground and breaking up into further pieces. Dust will be floating down from the building. Around the hole will be bits of metal supports bent outwards by the blast, some of the floors will have started to collapse and furniture will be falling out of the building. The camera will pan up along the building to find a seaking helicopter hovering above the building. There will be close up shot of the helicopter hovering.
The next shot will be of the helicopter, where the winch man will open the door and set himself up ready to be winched down. A shot from the roof of the building which has bits of debris and rubble scattered around from the strike. The helicopter can be seen hovering low above the roof.
The final shot will be a long shot of the helicopters winch man coming down on the cable. The camera will start from the top looking down and will swoop down underneath the man to show an upwards view of the man, where you will see the helicopter hovering above him.

There is no story to the idea but can be seen as an effects sequence that could possibly feature in a film.

Project Objective

For my final year project I will produce a short 3d visual effects sequence approximately 20 – 30 seconds in length. The effects piece will showcase my abilities to match-move live action footage, create convincing 3d models and photorealistic particle effects. It will also show that I can composite all those elements together to create a photorealistic effects sequence to the same standard of visual effects found in current blockbuster films. It will be designed to compete in animation competitions and festivals around the world. I will also be uploading it to video-streaming websites such as YouTube to make it assessable to people worldwide.

As this project will be a major feature on my show-reel which will eventually be viewed by visual effects companies, I have decided to concentrate on just a few effects shots that will build up a visual effects sequence that would feature in a film. This would let me focus all my efforts into the area of preferred speciality instead of wasting time creating a whole film with a start to finish story, which in the real world wouldn’t all be shown on a visual effects show reel.

The sequence as previously stated will be 20 – 30 seconds in length and will be built up of around five shots. Two of those shots will be major effects shots that I will spend most of my time creating and these would feature on my show reel. The other remaining shots will be just simple fills, these will be quick and easy to make but would be very beneficial to the sequence if it was to get viewed at an animation festival, as this would make it flow more smoothly and create a better viewing experience. Again as I intend to enter this piece into animation competitions I will also add sound to the sequence, this will add more realism to the effects and would be final touch to a stunning effects piece.
I will use a variety of software for the project. Softimage XSI will be the main software and will use it to model, texture, animate and light. It will also be used to render of the final animation. I will use Photoshop for creating my own textures and producing concept work. For post-production and compositing I will use Autodesk’s Combustion. Finally I will use Final Cut Pro for editing and adding sound.



My name is Tom Warden I am a final year student studying digital visual effects at Teesside University.

This is my new blog dedicated to my final year project. I will try to update it twice a week to show my progression through the project. As this project began a few weeks back I have lots of work to upload and post which I will try to do over the next few days.

Over the next few days I will upload the project specification to explain what the project idea is. I will also upload all of the pre-production I have done so far including concept art and storyboards.

For now I hope you continue to follow my blog and feel free to offer your thoughts and opinions as its great hearing what people think.