Tuesday 24 November 2009

24/11/09 - Studio test

Today i have a session booked in the film studio (1.30pm till 5.30pm.) I will be using this time to conduct some research and tests into the equipment i will be using in the final shoot in january 2010. I will also do a rough shoot of my green screen shots that i have planned, these will be basic and the actors are not the final ones and there will be no coustumes, this test is purely technical to test out camera movements, lighting conditions, and tracking points.

I Will also use this time to experiment with different lights and create different moods. As my effects sequence is set just after a thunderstorm i will have to create a dark moody atmosphere and maybe use some stobe lights for lightning flashes. I will also have to test some lights gels so try and recreate a fire flickering effect.

As you can see theres lots of things i will need to test during this afternoon but is extremely important to do it prior to your final shoot.

Here is a more detailed list of todays plan.

- Take details of camera using, lens, sensors, format, aspect ratio.
- Camera Jimmy jib setup and movement test.
- Studio measurements. How much Cable needed for winch man?

- FYP Shot 3 test - Lighting
- Acting movement
- Tracking points or not
- Fan Test

- FYP Shot 5 test - Jimmy Jib Movement
- Tracking Points
- Actor Position
- How to set up cable
- Lighting set up

- Lighting tests - create different lighting moods
- Fire effect flicker
- Lightning Flash

I also have some test work for another module that i will be conducting after the FYP test shoot. This will take up about 1 hour of the studio time

- AVE shot 1 test - steady cam set-up
- Test run of actor movement
- Lighting set up

- AVE shot 2 test - Is roughtly the same shot as the FYP shot 5.

- AVE shot 3 test - Actor run through
- Lighting test.

This is going to be very tight to fit this all into one test shoot however because most of the lighting conditions will be the same especially for the FYP shots then i begin to run low on time i will have to drop some of the light tests this isnt a problem because i can make not of the light setups and take pictures for referance.

I will post and update on how the test goes along with some footage and photos.

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