Monday 23 November 2009


The sequence will begin with an opening shot of a damaged building which was been struck by lightning. The atmosphere is very stormy and flashes of lightning can be seen in the background. The building that has been struck by lightning will have a huge hole in the middle section and will be smouldering. The building will be crumbling from around the hole with debris falling to the ground and breaking up into further pieces. Dust will be floating down from the building. Around the hole will be bits of metal supports bent outwards by the blast, some of the floors will have started to collapse and furniture will be falling out of the building. The camera will pan up along the building to find a seaking helicopter hovering above the building. There will be close up shot of the helicopter hovering.
The next shot will be of the helicopter, where the winch man will open the door and set himself up ready to be winched down. A shot from the roof of the building which has bits of debris and rubble scattered around from the strike. The helicopter can be seen hovering low above the roof.
The final shot will be a long shot of the helicopters winch man coming down on the cable. The camera will start from the top looking down and will swoop down underneath the man to show an upwards view of the man, where you will see the helicopter hovering above him.

There is no story to the idea but can be seen as an effects sequence that could possibly feature in a film.

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