Monday 23 November 2009

Project Objective

For my final year project I will produce a short 3d visual effects sequence approximately 20 – 30 seconds in length. The effects piece will showcase my abilities to match-move live action footage, create convincing 3d models and photorealistic particle effects. It will also show that I can composite all those elements together to create a photorealistic effects sequence to the same standard of visual effects found in current blockbuster films. It will be designed to compete in animation competitions and festivals around the world. I will also be uploading it to video-streaming websites such as YouTube to make it assessable to people worldwide.

As this project will be a major feature on my show-reel which will eventually be viewed by visual effects companies, I have decided to concentrate on just a few effects shots that will build up a visual effects sequence that would feature in a film. This would let me focus all my efforts into the area of preferred speciality instead of wasting time creating a whole film with a start to finish story, which in the real world wouldn’t all be shown on a visual effects show reel.

The sequence as previously stated will be 20 – 30 seconds in length and will be built up of around five shots. Two of those shots will be major effects shots that I will spend most of my time creating and these would feature on my show reel. The other remaining shots will be just simple fills, these will be quick and easy to make but would be very beneficial to the sequence if it was to get viewed at an animation festival, as this would make it flow more smoothly and create a better viewing experience. Again as I intend to enter this piece into animation competitions I will also add sound to the sequence, this will add more realism to the effects and would be final touch to a stunning effects piece.
I will use a variety of software for the project. Softimage XSI will be the main software and will use it to model, texture, animate and light. It will also be used to render of the final animation. I will use Photoshop for creating my own textures and producing concept work. For post-production and compositing I will use Autodesk’s Combustion. Finally I will use Final Cut Pro for editing and adding sound.

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